Need to make a video on Tesla Vs edison (AC / DC) please help with ideas

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Hey guys, I need to make such a video for a "Formal English Class". I don't know really what to bring except talk a little bit about the AC/DC.
The idea is to talk a little bit of the historical aspect and also of the applications of both currents. Not to focus on the War of Currents (or not too much) but explain to a *dumb* public what things are.

I'll be doing something like an "accelerate drawing" type of video with voice over and that stuff (needs to have some X/Y graphics and perhaps a few drawings)

............. ;(
Well The Oatmeal has a really funny version of it, which contains expletives as well. I don't know if you want to refer to it. It pretty much sums up the layman's way of understanding it.

Technically, not very fulfilling.
Thanks guys, this is gold. I need to make a ± 8 minutes video with an introduction to AC/DC and presenting Tesla/Nikola and a bit of the War of Current.. It is going to be very difficult to do it quick but I would like to have that fit within about the 2 first minutes of the video.

Then, I need some graphs, I'll draw some alternating waves and explain a few things but I don't know how.
Here is an exemple of a previous video of mine ; Music tempo in phase with musical note frequencies :
It's nothing superb but it will give you an idea of the kind of video I'd like to do I guess... I could perhaps take some parts of this video.
I figure that showing what's an alternating and direct current won't fill the next 6 minutes and that's where I need you to drown me in a pool of ideas lol

It's all about formal/informal English. I think I have to take a bunch of technical terms and turn them into the layman's way.

At least, I'll be done with English afterward !
There are many videos on the ac dc war on youtube to get you started.
I know it's stupid but I'm afraid to look BEFORE actually knowing exactly how I'm gonna do it, kind of not to falsify my direction
i know it's weird lol
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