Hi, I'm based in the UK and am looking for a PMSM motor that comes with a controller ideally or that you can recommend a good controller for as soon as possible for a project I'm working on. As a backup I also would be open to looking at some basic DC motors as a substitute which would also be fine for what I'm looking for. Alibaba/any other chinese marketplaces is not an option as I need something available in the UK that can be shipped to me within days.
I want to write the code for the speed variation etc. for the motor using C code and an Arduino. Ideally, I'm looking for something in the price range of 50-70 pounds. The motor does not have to be particularly powerful at all, just a small and affordable motor- I am mainly looking to test the Arduino code implementation. For reference this is a motor I was looking at the issue with this one is that it from the datasheet it looks like it comes with the code pre-built in while I want to design the code myself. https://www.digikey.co.uk/en/produc...mylNahrgWW9e0vVbGK9xbO53QUYrPhtxoCIkAQAvD_BwE