Need some Answers and Explanations

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Most Helpful Member
This has bothered me since the first week I joined this forum.

First. I will post something relevant and on topic and then come back a moment later and its in fact on the thread. I check the thread some time later and its gone. Why?
If its bad or wrong we get a warning notice or deletion comment in the thread or something. But whats the reason for dumping a perfectly honest and simple answer to what someone has asked when there is no derogatory comments, humor, or run on babbling? Just a simple every day this is how you do it comment.
Is there a problem or glitch with the electro tech system that causes this to happen? I have resorted to backing up anything I post that is more than a sentence or two long on my word program just for when this happens. I have often reposted the back up and had it then stay permanently without problems or question.
I have also responded to a post and then saw I was the next post in line on the thread both in thread layout and time stamp. But then when checking the thread a few hours later my post now has several between it and the one I was responding too and the response time attached to my post has changed as well. What is the cause or reason for this?

I have also seen this with others people threads and posts as well. They respond and then and then its gone later or its been bumped down several posts and the time has changed but there is no edit note relating to their post.

Lastly is there honestly a way to edit the spell check dictionary? Any way to go in and delete a load of useless abbreviations and odd or archaic words? Some I have seen it suggest are spelled wrong too.
Is the spell check dictionary an open source system or just a very cheap low end one?
I do not have this problem with the other spell check programs used else where on the Internet. Just this one and whenever its used by other sites.
Is there a way I can change the spell check preferences on my computer?

I am just asking this stuff because I am curious.
The spell check dictionary is located on your computer. You can add words by right clicking.

Sometimes threads get moved. Just search for your posts in your profile.
How do I access the dictionarys actual word library? I know how to add words well enough but how do I get rid of them? Thats my question.

I follow the thread moving in order to better reference a thread topic but what I am questioning is the disappearances of posts inside a thread or the relocating of posts inside a thread. Whether they be mine or someone else's.
Mostly the odd disappearances of my posts inside a thread and the relocating of my posts inside a thread is what made me post this.

I am just trying to find out what happens and why and who else has seen this odd occurrence.
I downloaded it an have it installed but thats as far as I can figure out how to get.

Sounded great, but I am not computer literate enough to know how to get any further and make it work.
There was an instance someone said a thread we were posting in was a different thread somewhere else ? I was confused until I clicked the url they offered as evidence. My post were not seen in there thread nor were there posts in mine. Same exact thread though but the pages were in different locations.

Yet to a certain point in the thread they were congruous but somewhere along the line they had separated.

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I am not sure what you just said. Too many big words I do not under stand and can not spell or confirm with the spell check!

How do you get a thread inside a thread thats part of the same thread?
But does not follow the thread progression?

(my head hurts a bit now)

At the time I believed I was in the Twilight Zone.

I just wish I could pull it back up I went thru and tried to find it but, my big mouth and frequent posting wouldn't allow it.

I haven't had a problem with this.

Maybe some noob has created several threads and you've only responded to one of them and have become confused when you later noticed the other duplicate threads. This has happened to me before and it very frustrating.
I already considered that but when a thread is in the alternative energy section or **** chat section there is not much of a chance of there being a duplicate that I wouldn't find! I may be dense some times but I know there is only one 'newbs gone wild' thread!
And as I said it seems to happen so much that I resort to deliberately copying the majority of my longer posts on to clipboard then post them, then go out of the thread for a minute or two and come back just to make sure they are there.
And often times I have seen that a few minutes passes and then its gone again!
Then I re-paste repost and try it again. I assume if its been deleted for bad content or something the repost would get me a PM and a warning about it but that never has happened.

(Between you and me I think 'The men in black suites' are just getting a bit sloppy myself!
Or my unobtainuim foil hat is preventing their space ray nuralizer from working on me.)

But seriously the disappearing posts just seems to happen fairly often and I was wondering if there was rational explanation for it.
I've never noticed any of my posts dissapear.
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Then I re-paste repost and try it again. I assume if its been deleted for bad content or something the repost would get me a PM and a warning about it but that never has happened.
I think moderators should do that anyway.

The two times it has happened to me I received an infraction. I'm not saying that an infraction should be given every time a moderator edits a post; I think a polite PM should be sent the first time.
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