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i have got "PIC operated room temperature control system with heater and fan and temeperature has to be display on LCD" as a final year project in BEng. The pic i am using is 16f84, analogue temperature sensor LM35DZ, A/D converter TLC549IP and LCD PC1602F. i have no idea how to write the program for that, can anyone help me plzzz..
you could use a 16F690 it has an on-board ADC.


Actually i have done mini project in second year by using PIC 16f84 so i know little bit about it and secondly i have done my research for use A/D converter and PIC both seperatly. but i have option means can use the PIC you mentioned, which way is the easy one because i am sort of time.
i am useing external a/d converter TLC549ip,8 bit converter integrate with pic16f84..once i scan the 8 bit dataout into a variable register..then how could i convert this 8bit binary data into milivolt value..can anybody help me on this coding,using assembly language..
thanking u in full of anticipation..
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