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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Need help on trying to control a motor speed with a PID circuit.

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New Member
Hi everyone! I'm Buse. I'm trying to control a motor speed for a personal project. You can find the schematic of the circuit I found on a book. This circuit works with only the PID parts constructed. My problem starts when I add the other parts. For example, U1 opamp (top left) is supposed to control the motor like giving it an input and getting an feedback but I cant seem to work it out. To be honest I couldn't connect it the right way also... Any help is appreciated. ^^


  • NV_0105_Dahlen_Figure08.jpg
    182.2 KB · Views: 365
That's not a speed controller, it's a position controller - like a RC servo motor mechanism but with a voltage as the position command, rather than a pulse width.

To work as a speed controller it would need a motor with a DC tachogenerator for feedback; or you need to look for other circuits.
There was a member here that devised a PID speed control, but he has since pased and the name escapes me. Maybe a search of the forum would find it, he was from Australia I think and a really smart guy.
The SuperPID is designed for the Triac control of a HS spindle (5krpm to 20krpm) Universal motor using router motors.
The feedback is via a 1pulse/rev retro-reflector device.
Uses a Picmicro processor
Although he hasn't been seen since 2014, his web site is still up.
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