Need help for building a 24v nicad battery charger

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the diode finally arrived, and its working great with this driver:

i want to put red 3mm led so that i know when its powered on, where should i put it ? and what resistor should i use for it so that the 3mm red led is not 100% light-up but only like 30 % ( i want to be able to see it in the dark, but don't want to be too bright )
Thank you so much for your answer. I'm happy that I could help you.
I suggest that you try out the red LED with an 470 Ohm resistor (greater resistor > lower brightness).

It is a bit of a problem for me to put the red 3mm led there because of case - housing, can the red 3mm led be placed before the 1 uF tantalum capacitor ? if yes, is the resistor still 470 Ohm ?
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