Namaste from Nepal need urgent help with external HD PS

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New Member
Namaste, I have two power supplies for external harddrives, one is marked FLY36-5-12 and the other Fy-Q10/24 and are rated at Input 100-240, 50/60/, .5a and the other 100-240, 50/60, .2a respectively.

The FY-q10/12 was powering an external enclosure but failed. The FLY36 is working. the leads on both powersupplys are different, so to use the FLY36 on the enclosure I thought that I could just chop off the plug from the FY-Q10/24 and swap. BUT the pinout is not the same. The FY-Q10/24 has a red, brown, yellow, black, and green wires and the other just yellow, red and white.

So what goes to what? Its probably apparent that I am not an electronics tech but a hack, and I do own a soldering gun and must repair lots of things here, as going to get a new part is impossible and there are no radio shacks one every corner. just water buffalo and rice paddies and momo shops. So your help is appreciated very much!
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The problem is that each manufacture will chose different voltages, connectors and colours. There are no standards for that.

The FLY36-5-12 might have output voltages of 5 and 12V

The Fy-Q10/24 might have output voltages of 10 and 24V

I am not sure. The external hard drive should have the voltages written on them.

You will need a voltmeter to check the voltages.
What is the model number of the external hard drive? Also, do you have a digital camera? Pictures of stickers on power supplies and device itself would be helpful.

A search has yielded following results. the second type data is obtained from ebay, while the first one from the manufacturers site.

using this the OP may using a proper cross connect cable and will be able to use them to his/her needs.


1.Model: FLY36-5-12
Input: 100 - 250V; 50/60Hz Max 0.5A
Output: 5V 2A; 12V 2A
Safety: UL, FCC, CE, GS
Device Supported: Bytecc BT-300, Devices powered through 4-pin molet

INPUT: 100-240V ~ 50/60Hz 0.2A
5V- 2A
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