Microcontroller interface with ADC

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New Member
Hello everybody,

We need circuit to interface microcontroller with ADC.

Is there any microcontroller with inbuilt ADC?
If the input voltage of ADC will be fractional like 7.5, etc., how it will be take in binary?
please give the idea about the number to display in lcd which is interface with microcontroller 8051.
We have the lesser time to do the project please help us.we are very thankful to u.

jam rev
There are numerous microcontrollers with onboard A/D converters. A superficial look at a manufacturers website would reveal this. To connect an external A/D converter hardly requires an interface you just connect the appropriate pins on the one to the corresponding pins on the other. There is the matter of serial data access or parallel data access.

The binary numbers which come out of the A/D converter can be thought of as binary fractions. For an 8-bit A/D converter the input voltage is
where VREF is the reference voltage and RESULT is the value that you read from the A/D converter.
With the PICAXE uC you can input your sensor direct to the ADC pin, then read the representative value (1-255) via the debug screen.
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