I have a small microbial cell set up, its based on a demo from the journal of biological education. They use a bacteria that isnt so easy to source in the UK, so i decided to try a few others out.
The target voltage for a 1ltr cell is roughly 0.8V, the last batch i used bakers yeast. Looking at the numbers from the logger it seems Yeast can put out 1.2V, now i confess this was a test of the set up and not really intended as a run, both electrodes are bog standard graphite. The load was by resistor and roughly 60mA, the figure wasnt picked for any particular reason.
The cell ran for two weeks as i didnt get time to do much with it, but looking at the readings from the file, it seems the cell easily held its own over two weeks, but there is a sharp drop at the end, likely lack of food or polluted because i wasnt looking after it.
Anyone else played with Microbial cells? I notice in one journal they got a new membrane material that is said to match a hydrogen cell, but really scant info at the moment, i could only get the abstract.
The target voltage for a 1ltr cell is roughly 0.8V, the last batch i used bakers yeast. Looking at the numbers from the logger it seems Yeast can put out 1.2V, now i confess this was a test of the set up and not really intended as a run, both electrodes are bog standard graphite. The load was by resistor and roughly 60mA, the figure wasnt picked for any particular reason.
The cell ran for two weeks as i didnt get time to do much with it, but looking at the readings from the file, it seems the cell easily held its own over two weeks, but there is a sharp drop at the end, likely lack of food or polluted because i wasnt looking after it.
Anyone else played with Microbial cells? I notice in one journal they got a new membrane material that is said to match a hydrogen cell, but really scant info at the moment, i could only get the abstract.