LTSpice SwitchCadIII waveform display question

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Active Member

I have just installed LTSpice SwitchCad III and playing around with the supplied app. example files.

On app. when I loaded the application, simulation starts and proceeds with immediate waveforms display to well over 100uS but as the simulation ends, the graph displays only 0-7uS of waveform data. I can zoom in to select shorter time span but I simply could not see more waveform pass 7uS. i.e. I wanted to see 0-100uS. I tried changing the X-axis limit but to no effect. What should I do to achieve that?

Rename the file with the extension ".asc". It will now run normally.
eblc1388 said:
Light travels faster than sound. So I would appear bright before I actually speak.
I find that this is often true, but that I appear dim shortly after speaking. :roll:
As Abraham Lincoln said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
I did not invent that.

I saw the original in a tagline which said "... A person would appear bright before he actually speaks".

It suits me much better so I changed "a person" to 'I".
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