Low cost pickit2 CLONE again simplified

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New Member

had posted a thread about "low cost pickit2 clone" making

after many reviews i have made it more simple. Like some thing u can make it with the controller (pic 18F2550) and some discrete components which are easily available.
No mosfets (difficult to find) not even bat 54 (schottky diode) . just few transistors and diodes.
which support programing and debugging + 5 and 3.3 V device support with protection circuitry.

You can find the full article here with schematics.
You could have replaced the BAT54 diode with a cheap common 1N4148 diode.
That looks good I made one using just plain npn and pnp 2n3904 and 2n3906 I used a plain 1n4148 Made it last year It works fine I use the usb to power target for 5 volts
and just use targets power for lower voltage like 3.3 works great.
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