looking for VHDL forum

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New Member
I am looking for VHDL forum where I can discuss BPSK/QPSK model designs. Do you know any good places?

Thanks a lot!
Wow Your talking unicorns and dragons , both rare beasts.

I do not know of a specific forum but I would try sites like Xilinx and other chip fab companies for the PVHDL arrays (PGAs) and get the gist of implementation of your programming structure . Then I would look at various user forums ( circuit cellar , etc. ) for programming models to glean enough, theres some good DARPA and Bell Labs stuff out there.

Nigal is the boards embedded controller (PIC) guru perhaps he knows of a specific source.There's also a guy I know on the JREF forum board who was a principle in the design of the MP3 coding schemes, names jj aka grumpy old skeptic . Might want to give him a yell. GL
I'll take a look at JREF forum.
Btw, as funny as it is, I've spend several days searching internet for examples of bpsk modulation in vhdl and found only one website that has only an if statement, under which there's something like "and now you can modulate your signal". LOL
Seems like it's some kind of a secret .. used a lot in commercial communications systems though.

Thanks for your advice TillEulenspiegel!

No doubt there, but as always if you look at the vendors website ( stuff usta be in "print!", imagine that ) You'll see that the app notes are the realized implementation. Kudos.
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