I'm trying to replace the crude control in a animal feeder with a PIC.
Turn on a motor through current amplifier for 3 seconds then wait 24 hours and do it again. It works great on my table at room temperature (within a few seconds in 24 hours) but when it gets outside in 30F it fails. I'm using a 12F675 with 4 Mhz external oscillator.
Should temperature affect oscillator timing or anything else?
Partial code attached
Turn on a motor through current amplifier for 3 seconds then wait 24 hours and do it again. It works great on my table at room temperature (within a few seconds in 24 hours) but when it gets outside in 30F it fails. I'm using a 12F675 with 4 Mhz external oscillator.
Should temperature affect oscillator timing or anything else?
Partial code attached