Hi everyone,
Been reading a number of threads regarding load cell amplification, and not yet at a point to ask for specifics just yet. I think I need to ask a broader question first.
If I have a 20mV/V load cell, 3.3v for excitation, and want to use it to replace a pot in a gaming controller (so analog output, not digital) is it feasible to do this with something like an AD623 and some components on, say, a protoboard, or for interference reasons do I really need a dedicated amplifier board?
I don't yet have specifics on the existing pot output range, getting a meter is part of the project
Been reading a number of threads regarding load cell amplification, and not yet at a point to ask for specifics just yet. I think I need to ask a broader question first.
If I have a 20mV/V load cell, 3.3v for excitation, and want to use it to replace a pot in a gaming controller (so analog output, not digital) is it feasible to do this with something like an AD623 and some components on, say, a protoboard, or for interference reasons do I really need a dedicated amplifier board?
I don't yet have specifics on the existing pot output range, getting a meter is part of the project