Hey everyone. I have project in mind requiring a circuit to be designed that would turn on an LED around sundown every day and then turn it off at sunrise. I know that one can use photo transistors for this type of thing but I am uncertain if this approach would work for my purposes because I only want the LED it be turned on and off by sunlight. The finished project will most likely by on a window sill or in an area exposed to sunlight but will also be subjected to ambient light (i.e. incandescent light, fluorescent light, TV, computer monitor, etc). How would I go about making a circuit that would turn on an LED at sundown but not turn it off again when someone turned on an overhead light for instance? I’m very familiar with PICs, LEDs and standard logic circuits so the advice I need mostly pertains to the light detection portion of the circuit. Please let me know if you need more details than I have provided and thanks in advance for the advice.