Joystick debouncing

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I'm considering building my own RC transmitter using Zigbee modules so I can have a convenient data downlink so data from my autopilot and sensor projects can be displayed on the transmitter...but eek! 2-axis Joystick gimbals cost like $50-$75 each! And I obviously can't use those since that would defeat the purpose of building my own transmitter...but 3-axis gimals cost $100 each! $300-$400 if you want all metal! At least the giant touchscreen LCD is fairly cheap for what it is...but anyways...

Do joystick potentiometers need debouncing (or rather LP filters) like tactile switches do?

As for all the tactile switches on the thing (I'm hoping I'll be able to eliminate a lot of them via touchscreen, but I was thinking about saving I/O lines on the MCU by using a mux and having it poll through them. In which case, I would only need one debounce switch in the output of the mux right? Rather than one debounce switch for each switch.
Wait a second...I can just program the MCU to poll at a low enough frequency and do away with hardware debouncing.

Anyways, joystick questions still stands.
The way I was told by software winki dinks is that you poll the port several times to determine a true condition.
When I have read potentiometers with a pic I have not needed any sort of filter.

When I have read potentiometers with a pic I have not needed any sort of filter.


Who knows how old the pots are?

They normally should put out a steadily increasing or decreasing voltage with movement.

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