Jon's Imaginarium – 555 Timer References

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Well-Known Member
The 555 timer was designed in 1971 by Hans Camenzind. Since that time, it has remained one of the most popular chips ever. As of 2017, it's estimated that over a billion 555 timers are sold yearly, manufactured by several companies.

There have been a number of posts here recently about 555 timer circuits, so I dug out a couple references that should be helpful.

The first is by the infamous Forrest Mims. Anybody whose been around a while will remember his Experimenters Notebooks at Radio Shack. 555 Timer IC Circuits is a short book, but covers the basics of this popular chip. The link will take you to a pdf of the book.

Another reference is How To Configure a 555 Timer IC - 555 Timer Tutorial by Philip Kane, presented at Jameco Electronics.
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