ISP Programmer

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New Member
Hello, I have a problam also, I made the circut from IKAlogic just with a 74HC244, The target system is as it suppose to be, 31 and 40 - VCC, Xstall with C1,c2 connected, 20 - GND.

This is like the 10 programmer I tried, I mostly try the simple ones like this.
With this one I allways get signiture 00,00,00,00 while is connected and ff,ff,ff,ff while the target circut is off.

I have the capacitor and resistor on the Reset pin, xstal = 12 or 11.059 MHZ, tried them both with SCK clocking at 200 to Fastest using the ISPProg Programmer.

I also tried without any buffer,a 5 cm LPT cable, and configuring the ISP Programmer according to how I connected it.

Any suggestions?
Thanks ahead.
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