IRC Channel

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New Member
Hi all,
On another forum i frequent, they have a channel on IRC where members can chat in real time! So i have set up a channel called #electro-tech-online, on the server. I am in the proccess of making a website so no IRC client is required, but as of now, mIRC and xchat and all those other IRC servers will work. If anyone knows how to put pjirc on a website, please let me know, as i want to get this up as soon as possible! If you don't know how to get onto it, just give me a PM, or reply in here, and i will help you fix that!
Just joined it...had to set up IRC software on my Mac first.

Wonder how this'll go with everyone in different parts of the world.
I drop by ##electronics on sometimes (normally when someone in #gentoo-chat says they need some power help). It can be ok in there, but like all live chat mediums you do get some annoying ppl that just contribute to IRC-noise and don't provide any useful advice. Thank god /ignore exists, that and mode +b for those channels I OP
well i haven't configured Op's yet, although TheInfamousBob has been on for a while, so i am considering making him op, and i have stuck a bot in there also, makes things alot easier. The website is coming along, so as soon as i get that up and running, you won't need a stand alone IRC server.
well i am adding buttons so that when you join, you don't have to enter all that code for your nicknames and stuff.
you shouldn't have todo that, yr IRC client should store yr nick and allow you to identify again a service bot.
ecnet seems to use the ChanServ bot (so register yr chan with chanserv and invite the bot to the channel) as well as NickServ to allow automatic identification and mode-setting of induviduals when they initially connect to

In those rare occasion's that I quit my irc client (irssi runs 25/7 on my home linux server and I ssh into and re-attach to a screen session when I wanna chat ) and re-start it I just type irssi and it will setup a load of custom "/" commands (/op so I can op myself in channels, /deop to deop, /eye for and a few others), connect to the irc servers I want, send passwds join relevant channels. Then nickserv and chanserv voice,op,ident from there

I tend to drop by #electronics on Undernet. It's ok, but has the same occasional noise problems that you say your channel does.

I thought an IRC channel for Electro-Tech-Online would be quite a good idea actually, but nobody seems that interested in it.

Well i think it would be more active if i had a website with a client on it, but i'm having some trouble getting it to work.
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take it from here, I use this web-based IRC for occasions when I need another client (my irssi always log's in and auth's me on relevant channels... sometimes it comes in handy loggin in as someone else)

I might idle in this channel then. The problem with IRC is noone really stays unless ppl are there. took a good few months of a few of us on #gentoo-chat just idling and occasionally chatting for it to basically get really popular and now have ~100ppl (no where near as many as #gentoo mind somtimes >1000)

Did I miss the name of the website that will link the browser to #electro-tech-online? Or have you not posted it yet. Like to see it myself.
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This will do it, just enter a name or something
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Well theres a few people in there now, thanks for the sites guys! I think i'm gong to be choosing some ops in there soon.
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