infrared led underpowered

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Again, sorry for the stupid questions. I'm a novice aspiring to learn more.
What modifications would you make?

Obviously, i've put some money into this project. Is there any way to make this thing work or should i scrap it?

So, what you are saying is the way i have this set-up is likely to damage them. I do have room for modification. Would adding a series of resistors work? What would i have to use to pulse the current to keep them from burning out?

I am demanding radioshack to give the manufacturer's contact info to find out more about the current issues.
Hopefully it is just your 9V batteries that are dead, not the IR LEDs burned out.
You need a half-decent battery. Six AAA size Ni-MH cells produce about 7.5V.
It can drive four strings of 5 IR LEDs in series with 51 ohms current-limiting resistors that limits the current to 29mA. The total battery current is 116mA and it should last for 7 hours.

You should buy name-brand parts at a reputable electronics parts distributor like Digikey or Newark. They have detailed datasheets.
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1.)So, would six AAA power 2 strings of 5 leds w/51Ω
for twice as long safely? OR 3AAA for 1/2 as long?

2.) I don't think i have any distributors such as digikey or newark around here.
1.)So, would six AAA power 2 strings of 5 leds w/51Ω for twice as long safely?

OR 3AAA for 1/2 as long?
The 5 LEDs need 6V and the 51 ohms resistor needs additional voltage. But 3 Ni-MH cells are only 3.75V so the LEDs will not light.
Six AA cells would last 2.8 times longer than six AAA cells because they have more of the "good stuff" inside.

2.) I don't think i have any distributors such as digikey or newark around here.
They are American and Canadian online places. You didn't say where you are. Newark is now owned by Farnell that is worldwide.
application of intrared remote controller

hi i am doing the project in the the basis of the ir remote controller. the title of the projct is " COMPUTER CONTROLL USING IR BASED REMORE CONTROL". i can find only the entertainment oriented applications in my project. but we need some more useful applications. give me some application
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