I love being Canadian.

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Hank Fletcher said:
You should have spent more time on current events and U.S. history rather than bible study. I can't think of a year in U.S. history that was less tragic than this one. I guess that's one way of saying things are moving in a good direction?

This is a lot like a train wreck. You are sitting a few cars back and pointing fingers at the people in the cars ahead of you.

Also it needs to be put into perspective. 31 died which is tragic. But it is very small spuds compared to the number of people who die on the highways, from drug overdoses, aids, etc etc.

Every day 119 people die on American roads and highways — more than 40,000 each year.
Also it needs to be put into perspective. 31 died which is tragic. But it is very small spuds compared to the number of people who die on the highways, from drug overdoses, aids, etc etc.
Or in Iraq at the hands of U.S. soldiers.

Very good points 3v0
Pommie said:
I blame the media and people who think they are ninjas and if I need to explain why then you most likely fall into that category.

Do you think it is normal to think you are a ninja? Whoops, just realised, you might actually be a ninja.

I just dont understand why ninjas had to be brought into this..?


Im sure many of you are watching CNN ... what do you think about some of things these anchors and psychologists are saying?

What the hell is all this paranoid TALK????

'No he wasnt bullied' said a psychologist ... how the hell do you know that?

there diagnosis:

the shooter was just paranoid... how the hell can you make that statement if you dont know him?

I mean look at the way he talks in those videos... my bet is he was cast out for being different.. built up enough anger then bought some guns
Not all Americans agree with the US effort Iraq. We do however respect the people sent their to fight it.

The U.S. got religion, Canada got big business.

BIG business is multinational in nature. It is big business that sent our army to Iraq, big business want to keep their profits from oil flowing. If we invested that war money in energy research it would have been much better spent. But where would that leave thre multinational oil companys including

Big government and big business make dangerous bedfellows.

If you think you are so very special how about posting something better then criticism and put downs.
Peter_wadley said:
I just dont understand why ninjas had to be brought into this..?

Well, let's see,

You dislike America.
You hate religion.
Your 18.
Your into geeky things.
Your paranoid.
You think your a ninja.

Those TV analyst would have a field day.
Well I'm not as smart as some of you and know I don't have a solution for this kind of incident. And I do very much fear anyone or any government that feels they have a way, a solution, to guarantee this from ever happening again. I know I wouldn't like living in a system that could deliver such a promise.

Life is precious and fragile but free will is very much a double edged sword. The human in and among us all is capable of great goodness as well as terrible evil. Time to heal and move on I think.

I don't care for the way the U.S. pretends to preach democracy to the rest of the world. Fix it in your own country first. You have a democratically elected government, which means you're all equally cupable for the various misdirections of your country. You can't claim to have a democratic government and use it as an excuse to interfere in international affairs, and at the same time detach yourself from your government and blame it when it goes wrong. Take responsibility, or use your second amendment for what it was meant for and fix the way your country's run. The only alternatives I can think of are to jump ship to a country that works, or seek assistance from countries that work. Don't, as an individual, feel that you have to succumb to the pressures of nationalistic propaganda. The Cold War's over, and the economy of the military industrial complex is coming to a close. Read the writing on the wall, and look out for number one.
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I pointed out that big goverment, the Repubracrats, is/are in bed with big buisness. Most state and local govs are in good shape. We need to give more power back to the states.

We have had and overcome corruption in the past. With some work we can make that happen without getting a bunch of people shot.

The only alternatives I can think of are to jump ship to a country that works, or seek assistance from countries that work...
Read the writing on the wall, and look out for number one.

So are you suggesting Mexico or Iraq?
Both of these places are have a lot of that "look out for number one" stuff going on.

I have visited Canada from time to time and like it. In many ways it is like stepping back in time about 20 years. In my eyes that is a good thing. But you have your own problems, and do not need to spend your time carping about ours.

I am done with this thread. If you want the last word have at it.
But you have your own problems, and do not need to spend your time carping about ours.
Yes I do, because you won't do it yourself. You're in no position to expect members of other nations not to interfere in U.S. affairs, either, hypocrite.
Peter_wadley said:
I am so incredibly happy to live in my nice safe country of Canada right now!

Amongst all this coverage on Virginia tech I am so happy I live in Canada.


Blame America .

Hi Peter,
I live in India, -- as per our Hindu mythology, it is -"Even heaven is nothing before a mother and native country"


As days pass by, we find the original values practiced by our parents and ancestors, let it be any where across the world, we are not giving weight and thought-- this is the very reason why social detereoration of life values and standards is taking place--

with this vegenia incidence, -- ofcourse, this is not one of its kind ,but for magnitude of damage.-- time has come that all of us acroos the GLOBE have to agree and abide for the need to properly bringup the next generation by ourselves behaving in a direction that could give them proper leadership.

After all we accept to believe that the entire world is a small village-- and it shold not be difficult for us to correct even now. Various world adminstrations have to think and work for this goal and I am sure that we can live in a better harmony and a more just society can be expected ahead.

At this juncture we ( me and my wife) would like to join the entire world society in praying for the souls of those departed at verginea to rest in peace and also share the grief and pray for almighty to take better care of the bereived families.

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3vO is spot on (great minds think alike). I agree with everything he's stated. Va tech isn't so much about gun control, it's about the troubled young man behind it. He could have used a car instead, waiting for change of classes to occur and simply mow down people. Gun control issue was resurrected by the drive-by media because there was little to no information yet known on Cho.

You can bash America all you like, but if it's that bad here, then we must have 300 million brain-dead fools that have yet to see the light that life elsewhere on this planet is far greater, more prosperous, and far safer to live.... yeah right! Someone better go intercept those Mexican illegals who are continuously jumping the border, and tell them to skip America and head to Canada, or Central America. It's easy for other nations in this world to be armchair referees judging and recommending what America should do on this and that.

Pommie summed up Mr. Wadley quite accurately. I see Mr. Wadley as a youth who thinks he's bulletproof. Often, youth at this age and into their twenties tend to think that way. As time goes on, maturity (hopefully) sets it along with reality and they learn that they aren't as wise or bulletproof as they once believed. They don't end up whipping the world, the world whips them.

Mr. Wadley, some advice: pick your battles cautiously in life.
Amen, brother.

... and if Canada was so great, it's population would reflect that.. hmmmm
Hank Fletcher said:
IYou have a democratically elected government, which means you're all equally cupable.

Well, here we go again.

In another thread you purport to be a teacher... well sit back, kid, and let me teach you something about America.

First, we are a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. We elect representatives to conduct our business.

A democracy is where the majority rules.

If we were a democracy there would be no:
Income Tax
Integrated schools
Welfare program
Illegal aliens
Ice Hocky
Ugly women

and we'd all be munching on banana splits right now.

No sir, the United States is a republic; we even say so in our pledge of allegiance, and Ben Franklin (he should know) said it was, if we could keep it.
Optikon said:
... and if Canada was so great, it's population would reflect that.. hmmmm

That is exactly why canada is so great.. Our population is SO low!

This world is being driven to the ground because people are having way to many kids.

Bulletproof.. how the heck did you come to that conclusion?
Pommie said:
Well, let's see,

You dislike America.
You hate religion.
Your 18.
Your into geeky things.
Your paranoid.
You think your a ninja.

Those TV analyst would have a field day.

Your a little *****.
I am done with this thread.

Me too,

I dont know what I was thinking making this.

Back to my geeky electronic i guess, eh pommie?

My, my... Oh, Dear.... is someone getting a bit frustrated?

Yes I am fustrated that pommie has to resort to insults instead of posting valid and purposful facts and opinions

Pommie is a good example of why the world is going down in flames..

I guess I should have expected this by posting this in a place where identity is kept underwraps.

And just because Im sure a dumb youth I might as well applaud pommie for his island of theives.
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What does one expect after starting a thread so inflammatory that I'm surprised it hasn't been locked down and/or thrown in the Trash forum because it is such a troll?
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