How would I make one of these?

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New Member
Hi all,

I recently was lucky enough to get a Blacktooth laser cutter/engraver, the laser output strength is controlled via a potentiometer that outputs 0-5 volts, I would like to swap out the pot to a digital type control where I can set the output more accurately and also display it, what is the best way I can accomplish this.

You could use the smoothed/filtered PWM output from an MCU which also drives an LCD display.
Use a 10 turn pot with a turns counting dial.
Or more simply (and cheaply) just a 10-turn pot with a multimeter/voltmeter connected to the output.

This doesn't address the requirement of digital control, but it is more accurate than a single-turn pot.
Well, the turns-counting dial is indeed digital (3 numbers). I would bet that repeatability would be more important.

It's a lot easier to set a dial to 500 than a meter to 2.50 Volts.
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