How to use mosfet ?

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New Member
Since this is the first time i use mosfet, i need a lot of information of using this stuff. Perhaps i need this information more details. The type of this mosfet is BUZ 90, and I'll use it for my power supply converter. one of the information is : how to triger it ?, how much current to triger mosfet ?, how much voltage which allowed between gate and source ?
Thank you, i apreciate your help.
Mosfets are not current dependant like their silicon bjt counterparts, they rely on gate voltage for conduction........Check the data sheet for your device, it should say at what voltage conduction starts. Usually this is expressed as RdsOn @ xvolts.

Some mosfets are called logic level devices as they have lo gate turn on voltages<5v...

HTH Chip
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