I have a 8 pin IC socket on a bread board I destroyed 3 sockets trying to solder to them. OK I know someone will ask if parts came from China, NO. They came from a seller in TX. Several weeks ago I almost had this circuit finished rain stopped we had 80+ degree weather we been camping several times. Now I am a prisoner in the house again none stop rain again. I struggled all day trying to get wires to solder to the pins I was down to the last wire pin 3 broke off the IC there is nothing to solder too. I removed all wired from socket then started soldering wires again still having trouble with wired that do not want to stick to the sockets. I can solder wires to anything else but these #$%& 8 pin sockets. If I get pins hot too long it melts the socket plastic case. Now I am on socket #3 trying to solder wires to it like before wires refuse to stick. Another pin broke off so I stripped all the wires off ready to start over with new socket #4. I quit for the day......... or maybe until after dinner. Maybe I need to solder flux the pins on the socket? I never had to flux pins in 40 years. Pins look shiny as chrome but after trying to get solder to stick they look like copper. I have done wire twist to pins in the past but don't want to do wire twist this time.