I'm looking to generate a 10k potentiometer output, I have a schematic to take a PWM output and generate the potentiometer output, but it isn't exactly working, the source wasn't really that great so maybe it doesn't work. Maybe I hooked it up wrong, don't know. Here is the picture of the schematic I have **broken link removed**
Really, if you look at that schematic, I don't know what the 2K thing is in the upper right, I guessed it was a potentiometer, for tweaking I guess, if it's not, please tell me what it is . So I put a potentiometer there and it really doesn't do anything, modifying the potientiometer output doesn't seem to affect the resistance at all on the output, even with a PWM signal being sent to it. The circuit definatly modify's the resistance when you change the PWM output, but it goes from 10K up to a very large number, which it should go backwards.. obviously, 10K being the upper limit.
I've searched the web for other schematics defining how to do this, this is the last thing I need to figure out before I can get my creation up and running, any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
Any other schematic for doing this would be great, and I have looked into Digital Potentiometers, but really haven't seen exactly how I would hook it up with PWM to use it. Really I don't mind ordering them, but i was hoping to test my project out this weekend, there are pictures of my "creation" at http://www.rimmel.org yes, it's scary looking.
Thanks in advance
Really, if you look at that schematic, I don't know what the 2K thing is in the upper right, I guessed it was a potentiometer, for tweaking I guess, if it's not, please tell me what it is . So I put a potentiometer there and it really doesn't do anything, modifying the potientiometer output doesn't seem to affect the resistance at all on the output, even with a PWM signal being sent to it. The circuit definatly modify's the resistance when you change the PWM output, but it goes from 10K up to a very large number, which it should go backwards.. obviously, 10K being the upper limit.
I've searched the web for other schematics defining how to do this, this is the last thing I need to figure out before I can get my creation up and running, any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
Any other schematic for doing this would be great, and I have looked into Digital Potentiometers, but really haven't seen exactly how I would hook it up with PWM to use it. Really I don't mind ordering them, but i was hoping to test my project out this weekend, there are pictures of my "creation" at http://www.rimmel.org yes, it's scary looking.
Thanks in advance