hot keys

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New Member
I know ALT + 0176 does °.
What is the Cliff's Notes Version of how I do exponentiation (A^2)?
You can do A² and A³ from the symbols table on the Advanced message page. Otherwise, I don't know.
Funny. ALT[176] for me does _. It's ALT[248] that does °.

That's all from the "old" IBM Extended Character Set. Here's the list:

255 [* see below]
254 _
253 ²
252 n
251 _
250 ·
249 •
248 °
247 _
246 ÷
245 _
244 _
243 _
242 _
241 ±
240 _
239 _
238 _
237 _
236 _
235 _
234 _
233 _
232 _
231 _
230 µ
229 _
228 _
227 ¶
226 _
225 ß
224 _
223 _
222 _
221 |
220 _
219 _
218 +
217 +
216 +
215 +
214 +
213 +
212 +
211 +
210 -
209 -
208 -
207 -
206 +
205 -
204 |
203 -
202 -
201 +
200 +
199 |
198 |
197 +
196 -
195 +
194 -
193 -
192 +
191 +
190 +
189 +
188 +
187 +
186 |
185 |
184 +
183 +
182 |
181 |
180 |
179 |
178 _
177 _
176 _
175 »
174 «
173 ¡
172 ¼
171 ½
170 ¬
169 _
168 ¿
167 º
166 ª
165 Ñ
164 ñ
163 ú
162 ó
161 í
160 á
159 ƒ
158 P
157 ¥
156 £
155 ¢
154 Ü
153 Ö
152 ÿ
151 ù
150 û
149 ò
148 ö
147 ô
146 Æ
145 æ
144 É
143 ÿ
142 Ä
141 ì
140 î
139 ï
138 è
137 ë
136 ê
135 ç
134 å
133 à
132 ä
131 â
130 é
129 ü
128 Ç
126 ~
125 }
124 |
123 {
122 z
121 y
120 x
119 w
118 v
117 u
116 t
115 s
114 r
113 q
112 p
111 o
110 n
109 m
108 l
107 k
106 j
105 i
104 h
103 g
102 f
101 e
100 d
099 c
098 b
097 a
096 `
095 _
094 ^
093 ]
092 \
091 [
090 Z
089 Y
088 X
087 W
086 V
085 U
084 T
083 S
082 R
081 Q
080 P
079 O
078 N
077 M
076 L
075 K
074 J
073 I
072 H
071 G
070 F
069 E
068 D
067 C
066 B
065 A
064 @
063 ?
062 >
061 =
060 <
059 ;
058 :
057 9
056 8
055 7
054 6
053 5
052 4
051 3
505 2
049 1
048 0
047 /
046 .
045 -
044 ,
043 +
042 *
041 )
040 (
039 ‘
038 &
037 %
036 $
035 #
034 "
033 !
032 space
021 §
020 ¶
015 ¤
013 [space]
012 [nasty!]
010 [line feed]
009 [tab]

* ALT[255] under MS-DOS produces a "space" that is not a space, but appears as one. It's a valid filename character and allows DOS to have filenames that appear as X MARINE vs. XMARINE. It was always handy under DOS for creating a filename that was more resistant to erasure or invocation unless the user knew about ALT[255]. A regular "space" is an invalid character in DOS.

Under DOS, the IBM ECS did things differently than it does under Windows. For instance, there was a group of characters that did "box" lines and double "box" lines for creating boxes around text and making crude drawings in the earlier word processors such as the venerable WordStar (still, in my opinion, the greatest word processor ever) and WordPerfect. It also had the bulk of the Greek alphabet, including omega.

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I'm just going to cut-and-paste symbols that I need into a symbol file and use alt-tab to go back and forth between where they are and where I need them.
If you use the advanced editor option in the forum control panel, you should be able to cut and paste from word. For example:

HKC8H4O4 + NaOH → NaKC8H4O4 + H2O
or 2x2 + 4x -21

Cancel that. My way did not work...
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