High pass filter to remove 60hz

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You can't totally "remove" the 60Hz but you can reduce its level.
How much attenuation of the 60Hz do you need?
You need to be FAR more explicit, your post provides almost no clue as to what you're trying to do.
Any power supply with half-decent filtering feeding a modern circuit produces no hum. An amplifier without a shielded input cable guarantees lots of hum.
Agree with post #4.
And, in critical needs, the best way to eliminate 60Hz is to not have 60Hz to start with.
Post is too vague and make no sense as written. Wanting to remove 60Hz from a 120VAC circuit is like saying you want to remove the liquid from water.
Most power supplies use a full-wave rectifier to make DC with 120Hz ripple, not 60Hz. Then it is filtered with a large capacitor.
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