Just bought a box of quad 2-input nor gates. specifically ( M74HC02B1 )/ Tried to make a simple SR latch with enable input to set or reset the state of 2 led's on Q and Q'.
I used 2 chips to simulate AND gates out of NOR gates and the sr latch on the third chip. The logic seems to work when i enable input but looses its value when enable is grounded or floating. Currently i am using 3 3-way switches to input either +5V or GND to the S,R,Enable gates, and the led's are connected directly to the outputs then ground. I think i may need to incorporate resistors but am unsure where to put them or what resistance value should be. Any help is appreciated.
I used 2 chips to simulate AND gates out of NOR gates and the sr latch on the third chip. The logic seems to work when i enable input but looses its value when enable is grounded or floating. Currently i am using 3 3-way switches to input either +5V or GND to the S,R,Enable gates, and the led's are connected directly to the outputs then ground. I think i may need to incorporate resistors but am unsure where to put them or what resistance value should be. Any help is appreciated.