I can't seem to see the forest for the trees. There are so many PIC parts!
My project needs:
One 16 bit timer that can count at a 5.5 MHz rate. (Can the overflow be counted to provide a third byte of resolution?)
One other timer as a 1 sec time base.
A D/A converter, 8 bits preferred but 5 bits would do.
Must be a DIP package.
Don't need a lot of I/O pins, would like to keep the pin count to 28 or below.
Only need 3 general purpose I/O pins.
I see a lot of parts that would fit the bill, but I can't find any debug/development boards that support the parts that have D/A converters!
Project is a VFO stabilizer for a Heathkit HW101 transceiver. I know there are already designs out there, by I have a few special requirements.
Bob D.
My project needs:
One 16 bit timer that can count at a 5.5 MHz rate. (Can the overflow be counted to provide a third byte of resolution?)
One other timer as a 1 sec time base.
A D/A converter, 8 bits preferred but 5 bits would do.
Must be a DIP package.
Don't need a lot of I/O pins, would like to keep the pin count to 28 or below.
Only need 3 general purpose I/O pins.
I see a lot of parts that would fit the bill, but I can't find any debug/development boards that support the parts that have D/A converters!
Project is a VFO stabilizer for a Heathkit HW101 transceiver. I know there are already designs out there, by I have a few special requirements.
Bob D.