Futurlec order experiance

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You are comparing apples to oranges.

Brick and mortar shops will always be higher then online or mail ordering. They have more overhead. If you have one you are lucky regardless of the price.

Think of it this way, you need the one part and need it now. Would you rather pay $1 for a 3 cent part or pay 3 cents + $5-$12 shipping + time.
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True, even in this tech-heavy area all the electronic shops have closed up but two. Vetco specializes in cables and connectors so their selection of everything else kinda sucks. I'll have to check out Westlake Electronics and see if they have more selection.
My Futurlec order shipped today according to my account info, now to time how long it takes to get here
My order that I placed on 4 April 07 has finally arrived on 2 May 07. It had all the pieces this time (minus 1 part that was out of stock and will be shipped later).
In honor of this thread I have adopted a new signature.

Childish but still fun.
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Nice one 3V0 =)
Finally got an update on my order today. The parallel to serial USB module I ordered was what was holding it up. They said they'll ship the rest, and I'll get the module when it I get it. Cross my fingers I might actually get my stuff before I forget why I ordered half if it!
If I had a TARDIS I'd wait until my Futurlec order arrives then go back and give it to myself when I ordered it.
I have ordered from solarbotics, and I have to congradulate them on a good job. I get all my stuff within a week, and they are far from cold crappy michigan. Their shipping is 5$, and you always get it within 2 weeks.

I order from jameco alot, and I get their stuff within 2 weeks also. Their shipping is 7.50, and is ok. BUT! if there is a part from another warehouse, they charge extra shipping from a seprate warehouse! WTF IS WITH THAT
My Order got here at last from Futurlec!

Great packaging, every mini board works, can't spot any deficiencies.

~ 1 Month and 1 Week, but there are quite a few rarer items with it
HarveyH42 said:
Didn't they just build a bigger warehouse right across the street a few years ago?

what jameco?

I know when ever i want somthing, its in the other warehouse. then they ship it in is own seprate box and it waste about 200 trees everytime they do that. I got a tiny surface mount chip (LMC6772) in this big box. I could stick my dog in it!
Mind you it's impossible to waste trees =) Virtually all paper products are made from trees specifically grown and farmed for paper pulp. Otherwise modern buisness would have literally written the rest of the world out of existance many years ago.
Sadly enough though it's not even that... Rare hardwoods and slowgrowth lumbar are highly valued in the housing market for bragging rights.
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If you need your parts in a hurry order them from a place that shows the stocking level (quanity on hand) such as Newark.
TheVictim said:
Futurlec shows whether or not something is in stock, but not the actual qty.

Nah, the "In Stock" on Futurlec items is just an indication that they can still obtain that specific item.

You'll notice that every single component/item says "In Stock"
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