Flat Paintable wire.

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There has to be some kind of performance sacrifice to make the cable that flat as far as electrical considerations go.
Speaking as a first time home owner that was forced early to do a large amount of drywall patching, repair, and painting, just put do it the right way, a little bit of spackle, a little bit of paint and you'll never knew there was anything there afterwards.

Before I layed out a penny I would make sure that those cables were HDMI high speed certified or that there was a 100% money back guarantee or I wouldn't touch em with a 10 foot pole.

One other... BIG thing... You don't want to cut a hole to run the cable, but in order to get this to be non-visible you'd have to do at least 2-3 leveling coats with a 12 inch knife and spackle... The hole is actually easier.
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I was looking at the ratings for the 12 gauge wire at 20 amps. My little home theater speaker won't exceed that and besides who wants to be in the attic with the insulation, when I could apply it to my ceiling to the 4 corners. If I go through and up the wall from where the system will be, I will need to go through the header of the wall into the attic drilling a hole. Either I cut out the lath and plaster and drill a hole up or try to find the header of the wall from the attic?

If you have an easy way to find the header from the ceiling I would really appreciate it. I would like to just "pop" some holes in the corners but, it's the header problem that I face; I don't want to be doing any mud and cover. I was thinking maybe some decretive molding to cover it.
I don't have the answer to your problem killivolt, then again I have full crawlspace access to my place. If you're going to use molding, put it over real wire that's cheaper, just router a channel out behind it. In your case, I would recommend renting a boreoscope and investigating how your house is actually built and laying it out on paper.
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