"Fatal error" on chat?

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Super Moderator
Hi, EM.

Is it only my computer, or is there something wrong with the chat? I keep getting a message that says

whenever I try to log in. Any ideas?
Der Strom
ToWa i do not understand, I do have the error, i just posted the problem on the forums earlier today but the post did not come up
if you did not get the error when trying to post in chat its because the error was there in real life but your browser showed the chat up because it did not auto refresh so really was was a cached chat window, if you refreshed the chat then the chat would have got the error.

since if effected all users it did not sent because it couldn't since there was and is a break in the network connection.
since you closed the chat, logged out or refreshed you now have that error.

hope that's what you meant
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fixed. sorry guys i have no idea why this error keeps popping up but will look try to prevent it happening again.
hard coded the root path.

define('AJAX_CHAT_PATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).'/');


define('AJAX_CHAT_PATH', '/home/electro/public_html/chat/');
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