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Fairies Tales Made for Adults

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Fasten your belts :D

If I hear a rich privileged person claiming he can or he is allowed to be sincere to no limit, as I am, when he addresses openly the multitudes (if not the world, via satellites), I would know I am hearing one of the sky fairies fairy tales made for adults :)
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If I hear a claim that believing in non-existent things cannot be useful in human’s life, I would know I am hearing one of the sky fairies fairy tales made for adults.

If this claim is true, I would have to reject learning math, for example, since I was teen.
I didn’t mind believing in the geometrical dot and working with it though it is dimensionless by definition.
I didn’t mind believing in the algebra infinite series and working with it though I knew I can never reach its end.
I didn’t mind believing in i (or j) and working with it though it represents the imaginary square root of -1

In other words, accepting a non-existent notion could be very useful in my life.
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Believe whatever you want to believe, live long and prosper.
Thank you. But, it is not about being free to believe in this or that. It is about the need to know/discover real/true things in order for someone to live the way he likes.

For example, if I didn't have the chance to differentiate between the right and false knowledge in electronics, I wouldn't have also the chance to be the designer I was looking for. Yes, I was graduated as a legitimate engineer first at a local university, to discover soon later that whatever I learnt there, excluding math, was just false electronics! Fortunately, I had an uncle (mother's side) who helped me continue my studies at the American University of Beirut, AUB, that was in the 70's. (For instance, my father died when I was 9). At AUB, I was able seeing the true face of electronics and to verify, at its lab, whatever I was interested to know before I had to return home rather quickly (right after I built the simple reliable DSB-SC demodulator). I had no time to get the MS degree. But who cares?! I got the knowledge I was looking for that let me be free and run since then my own business in designing and producing whatever my local market has needed in every period of time.

In brief, anyone around the world can fool himself and/or others and claim he is totally free. But, in reality, one's freedom is limited by how much true knowledge in life he was able to discover. This is why I used being a neutral observer to discover the hidden truths in universal tales made for adults (mostly made by the powerful rich world's Elite for more legitimate rights and incomes) just for my own knowledge. I mean, I try my best not to see a naive kid every time I look at a mirror :) Meanwhile, I don't expect being heard seriously by anyone in the world, except a few friends, since I am not famous, powerful, rich or a man of miracles :D
I believe I'm totally free. What say you. Please use simple English as most of your posts I don't understand.

I believe I'm totally free. What say you. Please use simple English as most of your posts I don't understand.


I would be really surprised if you said you are not.
And I don't mind assuming you are totally free. This implies that you got all the knowledge you were looking for and you have no reason, therefore, to understand anything from me in the least. right? :)
Wish you have a nice day.
Wow, you turned into a mind reader?

Have a nice day too.


By the way, I will be pleased hearing your comment, negative or positive, on my signature.
Obviously, you are also free not to comment :)

I am free but not cheap. Also lucky and grateful to be free of fears, earthquakes, mudslides and floods.
I am free but not cheap. Also lucky and grateful to be free of fears, earthquakes, mudslides and floods.

As we know, an AI robot has no choice but to follow the complex instructions embedded in it by its maker.
A professional maker can even include some algorithms in them to let it look like a free robot and be able to present itself: I am a free robot :D
I guess you know now what I will add :)

The body of a living human being, much like of all other living things, is pre-programmed by rather highly complex instructions (most of them, not all, are common universally) which we use calling 'instincts'.
Only a real free man can oppose his instincts of survival (by loving his enemies, for example). Only a real free man can oppose his instincts of applying justice on others (by not resisting evil). Only a real freeman can oppose his instincts of superiority (by being humble with anyone, for example). But such a real free man won't be useful in the progress of the material world. After all, the material world needs humans who follow always their instincts of selfishness and are ready to obey any master (if not playing the master) as long they can get good food and comfortable shelters while they have the right and means to live, at best, their body's pleasures in their favorite adventures.

It happens I personally couldn't be a real useful person to the world. I tried but I couldn't sell my freedom (not following my instincts as any natural human is supposed to do) for any treasures or pleasures in the world. So, sometimes, I wonder how it was possible for my living body to survive that long, more than 7 decades, so far. Yes, there were many who had to play my enemies and who were pleased to hurt me or treated me as being inferior. I may say that many situations, I faced in my life, couldn't be believed as being real ones if seen in a movie :)
Easy Rider freedom dialog debates why society is so threatened by the freedom they represent.
Easy Rider freedom dialog debates why society is so threatened by the freedom they represent.

I couldn't watch it. Would you please summarize its end point.

I usually notice that the conventional notion of freedom in the world refers to being free in following one's natural instincts to no limit... mainly sexually :) After all, the strongest natural stimulus that lets most humans around the world work, day and night, without complaining is... you know :)
As we know, an AI robot has no choice but to follow the complex instructions embedded in it by its maker.

There is no such thing as true "AI" yet, and it will likely be several decades before it's even near possible.

Actual AI (or what some authors have called "Machine intelligence", as it would not be an artificial simulation, just appearing intelligent on the surface like present systems) would be a sentient system, capable of learning and making its own decisions in the same way as a human.

Freedom means you are free to learn, or not, and to be a contributor to society - or a parasite on it.
Freedom means you are free to learn, or not, and to be a contributor to society - or a parasite on it.

Let us see 'learning' and 'contributing' closely.

Why does a human need learning?
I am afraid that the need of learning is among the pre-programmed instructions embedded in human's body.

[1a] If a human perceives in his being a living flesh only (having always one type only of reaction towards every situation), he learns to better execute/live his instincts, like:
To better defend himself (as making very advance weapons).
To better know how to be an active master or follower (both are needed for the progress of the material world).
To better apply justice on others (a prerequisite in the foundation of any material great kingdom)
For instance, learning how to read became even obligatory to ensure that every adult citizen in a country can read (and be aware of) the rules of his ruling system :)

[1b] In case a human could have two distinct, if not opposite, types of reaction towards certain situations, he needs to discover, as much as possible, the natural crucial truths that define life in reality (on the ground, not in great speeches) if he likes to also feed the living thing he has, other than his living flesh. Such a human could be called spiritual though, naturally, spirituality had to be seen as an illusion by those who have a living flesh only to take care of.

Again, I am afraid that the need of contributing (usually in formal groups defined by rules) is also among the pre-programmed instincts.

[2a] In case of a material human (who forms the greatest majority in every region around the world), being an active member in a well-organized society helps him better live his instincts of survival and prosperity, as a start.

[2b] In case of a real spiritual human (not those who color material things as spiritual which are actually related to certain pre-programmed instincts), his contribution to society is much less than of a material person because he looks somehow a weird being, if not worse, in his surroundings for not being normal in following his instincts to progress and prosper.

In brief, learning and contributing are also directly related to the pre-programmed human’s instincts :)
... Without which we would not be here to discuss things!

You do appear to be moving the goalposts somewhat; that's not related to individual freedom.

The only freedom, that a man-made robot may have, is its ability to choose between executing its inner instructions as they are or their opposite. But it is non-sense for the company that produces robots to allow them having this sort of real freedom. The only sort of freedom which could be allowed is the apparent one which is the ability to choose a certain path from many in every situation (by executing conditional branch instructions) in order for each robot to play better the role for which it was made.

It happens that the Company or the Will (or whatever one may like to refer to) behind the existence of my living body and its pre-programmed instincts didn't mind to also allowing me to oppose them if I choose to (why? I am afraid this off topic here).

Now, I wish someone help me know even one rule, imposed in any country, which opposes the human's instincts. At best, rules (man-made or claimed being inspired from Heaven) limit to how far a citizen/believer can follow/live his instincts.

Anyway, it is a gift that a material human enjoys a great feeling of being free every time he has the means to decide to follow a certain path (by executing a rather complex conditional branch instruction) in order to fulfill the role(s) for which he was brought into life.
The only sort of freedom which could be allowed is the apparent one which is the ability to choose a certain path from many in every situation (by executing conditional branch instructions)
You are basing things on conventional programming, which does not apply to Neural networks - either biological or artificial.

Neural networks are self-adapting and make decisions based on past experiences & the results of previous decisions. There is no "fixed" program.
I just can't take you serious when you have a sentence with "heaven" in it.

Just how I am.

You seem to be saying that males will follow their instinct and copulate with any female they encounter.
As already stated we seem to be wandering far from the original topic.
I just can't take you serious when you have a sentence with "heaven" in it.=

Well, I just liked to point out that ANY today's rule, imposed on humans, cannot come from the Will behind my existence (obviously, this is off topic here and not for you :) ). In fact, every imposed rule is man-made to better control the multitudes under one pretext or another (this is also off topic here).

You seem to be saying that males will follow their instinct and copulate with any female they encounter.
At least, you know now why rules (said social, religious or political) are very important in humans' life in the material world.
You seem to be saying that males will follow their instinct and copulate with any female they encounter.
Tugging the hair at lower, back part of a woman’s head is an erogenous zone.

That is why it worked, to drag them by the hair, back to your cave.
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