I've a motor, which powers a generator, which feeds into a converter, which gives out voltage/amps, which is measured.
The voltage into the motor is DC and fixed at 25V. The resistance could be measured but I haven't done so.
If the duty is 100% and no load is applied the motor will spin fast. If a load is applied the motor will spin slower, but would the current change?
If I were to measure the current at 100% duty beforehand, and if current is linear with duty cycle, I could calculate the wattage for a given duty cycle and use this to compute system efficiency.
Would it work?
The voltage into the motor is DC and fixed at 25V. The resistance could be measured but I haven't done so.
If the duty is 100% and no load is applied the motor will spin fast. If a load is applied the motor will spin slower, but would the current change?
If I were to measure the current at 100% duty beforehand, and if current is linear with duty cycle, I could calculate the wattage for a given duty cycle and use this to compute system efficiency.
Would it work?