EasyEDA Discovery / Tip

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Well-Known Member
When laying out a circuit board, I've often hunted for a particular resistor or capacitor that goes with a particular chip, had to change magnification and drag it over the the area I'm working on, and maybe repeat this dozens of times. It definitely interrupts the train of thought when you're zoomed to a small area, then have to zoom out to find the next components you want.

But there's an easier way. Let's say you're working on the area around U1, which is located at (10, 10). The schematic shows that R1, R2 and C7 go near U1. If you click on R1 in the schematic view, it will be shown in the component dialog when you switch back to the board view. Enter in something like (11, 11) for its location and pop, there it is right next to U1. Repeat the process for R2 and C7 and you can quickly get back to arranging the parts for the best layout.

Everyone else may know this, but just in case I'm not the only one who didn't....
Supposedly, there's an option to dump parts on a blank board in approximately the locations they are in on the schematic. I haven't been able to make that work yet.
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