Dog barker stopper

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New Member
I know this has been asked before,but the threads were a year old and advised to start a new one.
I am after a circuit to make up a noise generator to stop a dog from continally barking.
It is a nice dog,but drives me mad with it's continued barking all day while the owners are at work.I am retired and would like some peace.
I am not electronically taught,so need a simple design which I can buy parts from the local electronics shop to make up.
I can follow curcuit diagrams and have played with small projects,but want something that will produce a noise a dog finds distracting,either manually or automatic.
Any help appeciated.
I am in NZ .
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There is no such thing that works.

Consider getting and alpha dog or a big cat that will make it stop; or deal with it using less politically acceptable means.

Thanks for the positive thoughts,
Damn,now I will need to borrow a gun and buy ammunition and cages for the big cat and .....
OK anyone know of a light that will burn the hairs off your arm at 40 paces that I can shine in the neighbours house to keep them awake all night so they are as grumpy as me for lack of peaceful ness...??
I live in a civilized city. It has bylaws prohibitting continuous noise from stereos or dogs. If I hear a noisy dog then it is gone soon after I make a phone call to the bylaw enforcement office.
Many dogs (most?...all?) are disrupted by high pitch sounds. You could easily build a circuit producing sounds above human hearing that the dog could hear. You just might have to experiment with the sounds, like varying or every couple of seconds, something like that. First do the civilized thing. Then, if that doesn't work, have some fun with electronics.
Don't you want to stop a dog from barking?

My dogs bark when I play a high pitched tone.
They stop barking when I tell them to stop barking.

Show the noisy dog a nice big steak and I betcha it will stop barking. DO NOT put poison in the steak.
Many dogs (most?...all?) are disrupted by high pitch sounds.

Rather than "disrupted", I would say are bothered by high pitch sounds, which is actually painful to dogs. Guess what most dogs reaction to being abused? They usually bark louder...
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