Does anybody has 2 channel rf switch circuit diagram..

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what you use depends entirely on what you are trying to accomplish. is this an antenna switch to change antennas on a receiver, or a transmitter? is this a T/R switch to switch one antenna between a transmitter and receiver? your question is about as specific as "what's the difference between a duck?" or "i need to use a capacitor in a circuit, what kind should i use?".... as you can see there is no answer to the first question, and the second question is so vague, it can't be answered (i.e. what circuit?, where in a circuit? what is the capacitor being used for?)
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An ordinary double pole single throw switch works well to high frequencies.

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Actually i want to control my fan and light by rf control circuit..
So , i want two channel rf remote control circuit..

Actually i want to control my fan and light by rf control circuit..
So , i want two channel rf remote control circuit..

that can actually be done on a single radio channel with a different set of command codes for each device, just as is done with TV remotes.
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