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ak, I'm just going to suck it and see. It's just a toy so there is no call for accuracy. If it will "look" towards whatever happens to be nearest it (which might be a person) that is all it needs to do. I want to create a "is that thing watching me?" effect, rather than obvious and precise tracking. I might give it eyes with a bit of mechanical linkage so they lead the head a little. So I guess it would be indoors, and I think "ambient effects" might just make it more interesting!
But out of curiosity, how do you create a "lens" for ultrasound? Some bits of tube perhaps?
I'm quite happy to go with the "left a bit, right a bit" system - it even occurred to me I might (with a bit of tuning) be able to gate the received pulses directly to get the pwm for the servo. Haven't had time to think about that though.
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