Looking on the web, the problem of the display going Black /Blank for a couple of seconds then returnng to normal seems quiet a common thing.
Been having such a problem for a long time , some days nothing happens, others lots of occurrances ?
Have done and tried lots of things , but won't fill up the post with all the details, but can say its not memory,SSD or monitor/cable etc.
The PC is a simple system Asrock HM81M , onboard graphics with Intel 4170cpu, 4gb Ram W10 32bit.
The question is that the Black screens almost always happens when using a browser , FF Chrome, even the new Edge? and regardess of how many tabs are open 1 or 10 or the sites visited.
( tried a clean install of W10 64bit with just Edge loaded but same results.)
Can anyone suggest what the problem /answer may be given the problem seems related to browser use ?
Looking on the web, the problem of the display going Black /Blank for a couple of seconds then returnng to normal seems quiet a common thing.
Been having such a problem for a long time , some days nothing happens, others lots of occurrances ?
Have done and tried lots of things , but won't fill up the post with all the details, but can say its not memory,SSD or monitor/cable etc.
The PC is a simple system Asrock HM81M , onboard graphics with Intel 4170cpu, 4gb Ram W10 32bit.
The question is that the Black screens almost always happens when using a browser , FF Chrome, even the new Edge? and regardess of how many tabs are open 1 or 10 or the sites visited.
( tried a clean install of W10 64bit with just Edge loaded but same results.)
Can anyone suggest what the problem /answer may be given the problem seems related to browser use ?