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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Debugging Command Book

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New Member
I m wonderin where i can find a Debugging command book. I think its suppose to b sum sort of a reference book maybe. I hrd its IBM's biggest secret, :eek:

If neone knows nethin abt this plz tell

TY :p
At the command prompt, type "debug". You will see a hyphen, that is the degug prompt. Now type a question mark (?) and the debug commands will be listed. For more info, find an old DOS book. I have version 3.3 and it has all the commands and how to use them. Used book stores and ebay are good places to look.
is there a debug command book on the internet newhere, i hrd they are supposed to b VERY big like 1000 pages, so if neone knowz abt a debug command book on the internet, plz tell me the site thx.

Russlk is ur book like very big, like 1000pgz or more?? do u have a command book or a DOS book? or r they the same :?
i dont think thats quite it. m looking for a Windows debug command book, i hrd its supposed to b very big like hundreds of pgz. If neone finds it newhere, on the net or newhere else. Plz reply thx :D
If it's windows then it's probabely microsoft you need, not ibm

Still, i don't believe in a magic debugging book. You've got the hi level debugging tools that come with the compiler and you've got your basic x86 assembler and that's it.
yea it is microsofts, sry abt ibm my mistake. And there is a debug book for windows/dos, think its a big secret and hasnt bin published. I just thought maybe sum1 had it , haker or....who knows. :lol: Plz post if find.
Hi Russlk,

I downloaded that emulator that you posted.
It seems pretty good, but its hard to assess how good
it might be because every six or seven steps this banner
comes up,
and obscures the working area.
it has no 'X' in the corner, and it wont close unless you
choose to visit their site, they say to register.
I have visited their site,
hoping to register,
but you can't register, unless you buy it.

Maybe you know of some other emulator ?

If you know of one for a PIC, i would like that !

I'd like to get a PIC to use a floppy disk.
If the floppy is formatted ok, i reckon a PIC should
be able to read/write to it ok, but i havent found
any prog to do that yet ...

Regards, John :)


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john1 said:
I'd like to get a PIC to use a floppy disk.
If the floppy is formatted ok, i reckon a PIC should
be able to read/write to it ok, but i havent found
any prog to do that yet ...

There's been a lot of discussion about it over the years, but I've never seen any code for doing it - I think one of the problems is lack of memory for a buffer.
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