Countdown circuit with warning beeps

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New Member
Hi all..

Does anyone know of a countdown timer circuit with warning beeps at 2 minutes and 0 mins that I could use for Radio Control Flying.

I use an ordinary clip on timer on my RC TX which allows me to enter in any particular time (in my case 6 minutes) but doesn't give me any audible warning to let me know that it is time to land before gravity does it for me when I run out of fuel.

What I would like it to do is, enter the desired time and start the clock countdown when I'm flying. When the 2 minute mark approaches, let the timer give me a number beeps (to make me aware that my flying time is nearly up) then continue on counting down to zero where it will then give me another set of warning beep (different pattern) to indicate that If I haven't already landed, I run the risk of gravity doing it for me when fuel runs out.

Would that type of circuit be easy to make? I would like it to use either an LCD or 7 seg display so that I can visually see the time (needed anyway to set initial time). Setting the warning beeps would initially be hardcoded but later, I may wish for it to be set for an individual aircraft type to give me more advanced warnings especially if using a larger fuel tank.


I bought a talking timer (VoiceZone) for a bout $15 on ebay that has about all the functions you require.
Hi Folks..

Managed to find a countdown circuit which uses a PIC at:

It is used as a darkroom timer and seems to beep when it reaches zero so all I really need to get modified in the source code is the addition of an additional beeping code at the 2 minute interval.

Anyone care to look at the coding and see if this is possible? I'm going to contact the author of the project to see what he can do (plus I wish to learn to code as well)

yea Declan i have a Countdown circuit with warning beeps that i could give you the schematics for; it was designed to time something then do a shutoff afterwards but it would work for your purpose, it uses a phillips microcontroler and a LCD display.
atm i got the phillips counting down from 3 min but you can change it to 6.
PM me if interested
It is easy to make using microcontrolers just like pic16f876a. Where it can be programed for time you want to beep the elarm. also can program many features too. It can easily interface seven segment displays.
When your plane runs out of gas then just glide it into a thermal. Gravity won't bother it when you are having trouble bringing it down.

Maybe it is time for you to try electric motor propulsion. Their motor doesn't just stop, it slows down slowly so you have lots of warning and time to land.
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