Here is the first circuit with only one transistor.
Everything works as planned. The transistors provides a 100x current gain and the LED lightens up happily.
Now I wanted to lighten up the LED using even lesser trigger power, so I tried using two transistors and less trigger power.
For reasons unknown (and probably lame) the LED doesn't lighten up at all and I'm not getting the 100x current gain.
What is that I am doing wrong?
JimB: Sorry if the circuits look confusing/misleading. I just got the screenshot of the software I use (EveryCircuit) and posted them as-is.
Everything works as planned. The transistors provides a 100x current gain and the LED lightens up happily.
Now I wanted to lighten up the LED using even lesser trigger power, so I tried using two transistors and less trigger power.
For reasons unknown (and probably lame) the LED doesn't lighten up at all and I'm not getting the 100x current gain.
What is that I am doing wrong?
JimB: Sorry if the circuits look confusing/misleading. I just got the screenshot of the software I use (EveryCircuit) and posted them as-is.