Circuit digram for a electronic counter

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I would like to wind my own transformer windings on a lathe .
I require a circuit digram of a electronic counter to obtain the correct number of turns when using the lathe.
Could any one supply me with this digram so I gould build this counter.
I like this one! Low parts count, and nice votage range for the supply

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Any counter will do and above post is good example how coumponent
count can be reduced compared to early TTL desins.
You might want bidirectional counter in case you want to unwind few turns. three digits will suffice for most casses and if you do have
rollover, it's easily seen.
There are specialised chips that handle 3 or 4 digits counters like MC14553 just to name one. Advantage is simpler wiring as most
displays that come to my hands are 3 or 4 digits and multiplexed.
Here is example of "winding machine counter"
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It shows some important detail like quadrature inputs using two sensors.
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