Well-Known Member
ok , so i got one of these , and now i can cast the image from my phone to my tv ... whoopy doo. my phone has a screen already.
what i am looking for is the transmitter side of things , I would like a device that I can plug to the hdmi output of my blueray player where it will take the signal and turn it to a casting source that i can send to the tv
so far all i can find are HDMI transmitter/receiver but all these i believe are built so you can use multi receivers, but only 1 transmitter, hence why i want to use the casting networks, so when i have 5 of these and 5 chrome casts i can say "hey google play blueray 3 to tv2" (a future layer to the project)
but the sound of hdmi input circuitry is over my head already, if i was smart i could use a pi/ard to receive the hdmi then code it to wifi cast protocol, so not a overly complex device but anyone feel brave to try to walk me through this or how i can do it?
1)hdmi decoder to uC
2)convert to cast protocol
are the challenges i will be facing and have no idea what to begin with to even capture the input,
also if anyone wants my idea to build one then post the link from kickstarter so i can just buy one i would be happy with that too!!?
i contacted google about this, they dont mind that it doesnt work
what i am looking for is the transmitter side of things , I would like a device that I can plug to the hdmi output of my blueray player where it will take the signal and turn it to a casting source that i can send to the tv
so far all i can find are HDMI transmitter/receiver but all these i believe are built so you can use multi receivers, but only 1 transmitter, hence why i want to use the casting networks, so when i have 5 of these and 5 chrome casts i can say "hey google play blueray 3 to tv2" (a future layer to the project)
but the sound of hdmi input circuitry is over my head already, if i was smart i could use a pi/ard to receive the hdmi then code it to wifi cast protocol, so not a overly complex device but anyone feel brave to try to walk me through this or how i can do it?
1)hdmi decoder to uC
2)convert to cast protocol
are the challenges i will be facing and have no idea what to begin with to even capture the input,
also if anyone wants my idea to build one then post the link from kickstarter so i can just buy one i would be happy with that too!!?
i contacted google about this, they dont mind that it doesnt work