New project, i want: A 'battery' pack that will charge from mains, and give me one good crank every 10 minutes, initially for motorbikes, with optional added capacitance for cars.
So, for a bike i need: 170 cold crank amps for 5 seconds; 170(amp hours)/3600(seconds in an hour) =0.04722222222222*5 =0.24ah =864(coulombs)/12 =72Farads.
I can get 500F 2.5V capacitors. I'd need to string 5 together in series to get 12.5V and that would leave me 100F (1/(1/500*5) ).
Can get a 12v 5a psu, so that would take (.24ah*20=4.8)=(60/20)=3 minutes to charge (triple needed for car, so 9 minutes, which would be fine).
Think a tptt switch and relays to simultaneously make the connectors live and isolate the PSU, and a simple volt +amp meter to show when charged and how much juice the bike is taking when i try to start it.
Its just in the planing phase right now so any advice/ criticisms welcome, also I'm new at this kind of thing and really not sure about some of this math..
So, for a bike i need: 170 cold crank amps for 5 seconds; 170(amp hours)/3600(seconds in an hour) =0.04722222222222*5 =0.24ah =864(coulombs)/12 =72Farads.
I can get 500F 2.5V capacitors. I'd need to string 5 together in series to get 12.5V and that would leave me 100F (1/(1/500*5) ).
Can get a 12v 5a psu, so that would take (.24ah*20=4.8)=(60/20)=3 minutes to charge (triple needed for car, so 9 minutes, which would be fine).
Think a tptt switch and relays to simultaneously make the connectors live and isolate the PSU, and a simple volt +amp meter to show when charged and how much juice the bike is taking when i try to start it.
Its just in the planing phase right now so any advice/ criticisms welcome, also I'm new at this kind of thing and really not sure about some of this math..