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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Can someone tell me if this Robot is real or a Mannequin?

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Electric Rain said:
I mean, something that can do the things Valerie can do simply can't be created yet

If fifty electrodes embedded in a spoonfull of rat brain swimming in a glucose filled petri dish can learn to operate a flight simulator, learning to fly straight and level in a matter of hours, it begs the question of what could be done with two or more spoonfulls with an increased number of electronic input / output connections.

Electrical power is the other hurdle, "valerie" is far from being an independant kinda girl with her trailing hoses and leads. The only present day solution that springs to mind is the RTG (Radio isotope Thermal Generator) Polonium has an awsome power to wieght ratio and requires
relatively little shielding. So much power in fact that electricaly powered servo's may well give way to the older technology of steam driven actuators. Faster , lighter and more powerfull than whirring gears.

Sadly we may all have a long wait for the likes of radio shack to stock polonium power cells, until then you could try tinkering with the cold fusion concept. 8)
At the end of the day it is not a question of "What can we do" but of "What are we prepared to do"....

Doc :IGOR! go fetch a fresh slice of brain for me
IG :Yes master,you building another robot?
Doc : No dammit I'm hungry!

I didn't mean to do that. I mean to offer other displays:

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Japanese robot mannequins to strike a pose for their customers

The enigmatically engineered "Valerie" remains aloof and has
made no public comment. Rumours abound that she has been taken
to pieces and is suspected to be in rehab after discovering addictive games software and a bizzare fetish for european voltage adaptors.
This is being posted after EVERYBODY has had a word to say about this but I dont care.

This person has quite possibly got THE MOST time on his hands, topping even that of me.

I have never seen so much effort put into a scam since i watched Matchstick Men and I feel insulted by his attempts to fool me. anything with a cerebellum would know that is COMPLETELY fake.

although, it is an interesting concept. I cannot argue that it would be nice to have a robot cleaning after me, but i would have to do too much work to get 59,000 bucks to pay for a robot like that, if it were real. I guess i better stick with trashing my house.

I also wouldn't like a robot operated on spoonfuls of ratbrain to be following me picking up my stuff. Scary thought. VERY scary thought

Whilst "Valerie" is not quite capable of performing quite as autonomous as her maker would have the gullible believe she has done much to raise awareness of tele-prescence and manipulators . A field of endevour that is being eyed with some furious bean counting by the health care sector, not just in the operating room but at home caring for the elderly.
Halogrunt1234 said:
This is being posted after EVERYBODY has had a word to say about this but I dont care.

I wouldn't either. I do it all the time. Re-start old threads, that is.

Halogrunt1234 said:
I also wouldn't like a robot operated on spoonfuls of ratbrain to be following me picking up my stuff. Scary thought. VERY scary thought :shock:

Well, if that's what it takes to work, then... oh wait... Animal Rights people would be all over that... :lol: I love animals and everything, I've got 3 dogs and a cat. Buuuuut... I don't much care for rats. :p
I dont give a hoot about the animal rights side of it, i just think its scary that living neurons, which can grow and change at any minute, would be powering anything i own. That would give real meaning to your computer having an attitude. Also, I dont really feel like having to train my computer over a couple of hours just to be able to operate, say, Half Life 2. Computers are fine as they are on the track they are. we dont need to put some unpredictable rat brain in place of a microchip. the only practical use i see for having rat neruons being experimented on in that way is to further boost our knowlegde of our brains. then we might be able to have games that play just like he concept of The Matrix :).
Halogrunt1234 said:
I just think its scary that living neurons, which can grow and change at any minute, would be powering anything i own.

Yet even before we are born , those unpredictable neurons are keeping us alive and in some unfortunate cases they continue to do an an excellent job even after higher cognitive functions have ceased. The ability to change responces when presented with new stimuli or feedback in the case damage sustained to either effectors or the brain tissue itself is one of natures miracles and a crucial part of your own bodies own development, if it were not then you would still be a helpless infant.
Change is allways best approached with caution but alas it cannot be avoided, plus it gives writers of science fiction new material to work with.
The question of how many neurons in dish does one need before it becomes self aware and develops a "personality" of its own will no doubt be the subject of some research...
[pauses for a moment haunted by a vision of a vacuum cleaner getting stroppy when the house computers firewall stops it trying to interface with the new seductively voiced talking toaster and tells it get on with its own job]

As for the animal rights argument, consider this...
Many persons donate thier bodies ,including the brain to science every year. What if one could leave thier brain to a business? The recently deceased could live on as a "ghost in the machine" or a loyal and faithfull pet could continue to provide some measure of devotion and usefull service as a lawnmower or vacuum cleaner :evil:
tansis said:
As for the animal rights argument, consider this...
Many persons donate thier bodies ,including the brain to science every year. What if one could leave thier brain to a business? The recently deceased could live on as a "ghost in the machine" or a loyal and faithfull pet could continue to provide some measure of devotion and usefull service as a lawnmower or vacuum cleaner :evil:

Whoa... now you talking "Ghost in the Shell" stuff. :lol: (Ghost in the Shell is an awesome Anime, btw. Check it out if you're into Anime. If you're not into Anime, check it out. It's an awesome Anime. :p )
Hmm , well if like me you like your SciFi there is a somewhat dire little film called "Saturn 3" from 1980 that explores the theme of what one can do with a bucket of brain material and a robot.

[if nothing else watch out for the scene were Harvey Kietel jacks into his brain 19 years before we all cringed watching "The Matrix"] :lol:
Well, as with many GOOD Animes, they keep things realistic. Counting out DBZ, and all Animes featuring giant robots... which is like 70% of them... but the one's that don't are awesome. 8) Ghost in the shell is quite futuristic, but they make sure not to go over-the-top with SciFi stuff. E.G. There's no aliens or anything in it. :wink: A quick Google search will give you all the details about the show you want; for anyone interested.
I post my position twice and i still dont get my point across. the human brain is directed by DNA to develop a certain way. a spoonful of rat brain cell by themselves just replicates and does certain functions until a feedback loop is applied to them and they learn to do something. WE dont know how to fully harness the way we want something to develop organically.

Also, why replace something that works fine with something organic?
Halogrunt1234 said:
WE dont know how to fully harness the way we want something to develop organically.

Are you sure? This was done in 1986. Who knows what's going on now? We're cloning EVERYTHING, and that's just something they're actually letting the public know about.
Halogrunt1234 said:
I post my position twice and i still dont get my point across. the human brain is directed by DNA to develop a certain way. a spoonful of rat brain cell by themselves just replicates and does certain functions until a feedback loop is applied to them and they learn to do something. WE dont know how to fully harness the way we want something to develop organically.

Also, why replace something that works fine with something organic?

Are you familiar with the works of Pavlov wth animals or the Stanford experiments with human subjects? "Programming" is a relatively simple affair, a good place to see it all in action is any large supermarket.
However yes, there are some things about the brain science has yet to fully explain, but being able to examine it one slice at a time and record its reponces to stimuli under controlled conditions will be of immense significance with rewards in both medicine and electronics.

Could "RoboCop" become reality?
In a nutshell... yes , just as soon as the public becomes more comfortable with the idea of direct interfacing ( and portable nuclear power lol)
Dont forget recent news from the global empire that is Sony..
(now that is scary)

As for the argument of " why replace something that works fine" well consider the rise of popularity regarding the PIC micro-controller and other variants over say the last five years. A single device that can replace dozens of dedicated chips was once the stuff of science fiction, nowdays it is becoming rare to find any advanced project that does not use one.
Dear Moderators,

Can you please lock this topic out. better yet, delete it.
its crap. totally useless topic. Its crazy that someone put up
the picture of a doll and wants people to fight beliving its a robot.

Thanks and Regards,
pkshima said:
Dear Moderators,

Can you please lock this topic out. better yet, delete it.
its crap. totally useless topic. Its crazy that someone put up
the picture of a doll and wants people to fight beliving its a robot.

Thanks and Regards,

Oh shut up. :evil: I already asked the mods to do that once for a different topic and it didn't even work. Why are you trying to ruin our fun? It's not useless, it's actually very educational. So if you think it's useless, then just STAY OUT OF IT AND PRETEND IT'S NOT HERE! :evil:

Same to you, Roboticinfo.
New members join all the time and some sadly leave ,
these threads serve as the collective wisdom of the forum for present
and future generations. No opinions are supressed and this thread has evolved from the orginal question , "Valerie" is now somewhat outdated and new technology is bringing the bipedal robot/android of science fiction ever closer.

Besides it's good to have a less than serious thread and if tou think this one is silly then try this :wink:
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