'Cacheable' term

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I study on Caches and their mechanism.

I have a question please.

When you say that a certain memory area (let's call this area DDR) is 'L1 Cacheable', what does it mean?

Does it mean that there is an L1 Cache which works with the DDR?

i.e. the L1 Cache contains a copy of a small portion (e.g. Page) of the DDR?

Thank you.
"cache" essentially means possibly available for faster access.
What faster access is anybodies guess here.

e.g. A disk or SD card accces might cache into memory.

Instructions could be fetched a page at time as other stuff is going on and lets call this L1 Cache for the sake of argument. Thus the next instruction comes from L1 cache which is INSIDE the processor.

You want to use cache for frequently accessed stuff. By "cascheable" they may mean you can place it there.
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