Being a rich kid and your family won't allow you to fail...

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Hi there Folks

OK. This has been coming for a long time

Anybody on this Forum who has worked for/ done work for clueless spoilt brats??

Like somebody who is running a technical repair business and has not a clue how to fix ANYTHING. Just guessing and misleading and trying anything.... I am so over this nonsense.

I am sooo tired of teaching resistor colour codes and others OVER and OVER and OVER again to the same person. They never write anything down. Always just come and ask the same question again. Amongst other things. Not interested in learning anything. Easier just to ask me for the answer everytime.....if the business fails, his Momma will simply bail him out. She and her partner have loads of money.

Seems like I have wasted four years of my life here trying to educate the uneducatable/disinterested spoilt brats.

I am so tired of helping this type of person....I need to move on.

TV Tech
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Anybody on this Forum who has worked for/ done work for clueless spoilt brats??

I cannot say that I have worked in quite such a regime.
I have worked in a company where a certain department manger thought that everything could be done for a fraction of the cost and in a fraction of the time that was quoted/proposed by the engineers.
She (yes she!) even once said that we would not need to produced detailed schematic drawings for a major project, because "we" (the project design engineers) would be doing the future maintenance.

However, I can think of one or two posters past and present here on ETO who come into the category of "clueless spoilt brats".

No names, no pack drill.

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Get him a hot girlfriend to keep him busy, then blackmail the brat into submission.
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Get him a hot girlfriend to keep him busy, then blackmail the brat into submission.

Never mind. Rant over. Could a Mod please close this thread.

Tv Tech
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Actually it's not a bad topic. While I am not fond of explaining the same thing to anyone over and over again there are two scenarios to this. If I am being paid to explain the same thing over and over again to someone it matters not to me if they choose to take notes and learn or ignore the information presented and taught. I figure it this way. People who choose not to learn things (including common sense) are wonderful for the economy. This is especially true of those with more money than a desire to learn. Think about all those people who "can do" with little children at home and a need to put beanies and weenies on the dinner table, or me who needs another new toy.

Then we have the unpaid scenario. This this a different animal all together. While far from a model christian I do believe the Lord helps those who help themselves. I show and teach you once and maybe twice but after that Google can be your new best friend. I work for money and if you want loyalty then I suggest you buy or adopt a dog.

I also view the forums this way. When the same visitors ask the same questions over and over again it becomes apparent they are not placing any effort into learning. Eventually I just ignore their request for help as it gets pretty old real quick.

Additionally in the big picture there are people who will never understand or learn electronics in theory or practical application. They seem to lack the analytical mind. Then we have me. If you sent me to the Julliard School of Music and I would not learn a thing. I could never master a musical instrument and never will. My genetic composition (or whatever the hell it is) was that of my father, analytical mind, good with math and have managed beanies and weenies using electronics my entire life and I was 62 a few days ago. My two sisters and brother have my mothers genetics. All accomplished artist and very musically inclined as in pick up a musical instrument play it. They could never grasp or comprehend how a wall switch turns on a lamp, then they call me.

You tell them "look it up". I believe the impolite term is "RTFM". The furthest you could do is hand them a book with the data in it. Say "It's in here". It's TO EASY to ask.

Just look at the people in the homework section trying to get us to DO THEIR HOMEWORK. Most of us will not.
When I have to teach somebody I give them one simple rule.

If I ask you if you understand, and you say “No” I’ll explain/teach again. The moment you say “Yes”, it’s the end of the lesson. Don’t ever ask me that question/lesson again.

That's the way I was raised.

WTF is wrong with people these days??. I remember taking notes of EVERYTHING I was taught by my mentor. He used to get mad if I asked him about something he had previously covered....

That is exactly why I am a member of this Forum. You will not find me asking lot's of questions about stuff. I know most of it BECAUSE I WRITE THINGS DOWN.

That way I don't irritate members with the same questions over and over again

Thank you
Tv Tech
Hi tvtech,

the whole stuff reminds me to my stepson in Germany.

When he had finished high school he showed up in my shop and asked me to employ him, since he wanted to be helpful for the company.

I told him: "Son, if you really want to work for your stepfather please hire at my competitor's.

That way you might re-earn the money I've spent for your education."


Loved that!

I had the misfortune of working, for a time, for several Marine Science PHDs that would:

1. ask for a technical solution (as a former submarine electronics type, in this case, how to keep from constantly flooding a submersible camera), thereby lulling me into thinking they valued my input
2. I'd give'm one
3. they'd reject it (as stupid, unworkable, impossible or too costly)
4. I'd give'm another one
5. same as 3.
6 and so on.

And of course the solution was simply to assure water tightness (that hadn't crossed their minds).

They then implemented my solutions (sort of OK) and then patted themselves on the back for being so brilliant (NOT OK at all).

So I quit...
I hate that. You propose a solution and later your solution is implemented, but only when it suddenly becomes "their idea".

The one I hated was, I told my manager calmly that I had learned that the unit (about $40K new) we are installing will become obsolete within 6 months and no support will be available at that time. He ripped me a you know what. He thought I wanted them to replace it when instead I was just giving a heads up. They did research and replace with a used unit before the 6 months expiration date.

Looks like "motivation by champignon".

It works like that:

- have them sit in the dirt in a dark and moist room
- throw dung on them
- when they stick their heads up from the dirt

- cut them

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Your rants remind me of the loverly times with my ex. Her motto: god (She was in capitals) knows everything, I know everything better!

Like jobs I did not like, I devorced myself from the situation. And lived happily thereafter. E
Your rants remind me of the loverly times with my ex. Her motto: god (She was in capitals) knows everything, I know everything better!

Like jobs I did not like, I devorced myself from the situation. And lived happily thereafter. E

Sounds familiar to me.

On the other hand women like her are easy to satisfy. All they need is a credit card taking care of the kitchen garbage.
Most rich people in the US today inherited their wealth. Wasn't like that 60 years ago, people earned it. A while back I realized I've spent most of my career working for spoiled rich brats - putting in a lot of long, thankless hours just to increase the wealth they got from their parents.

Too true.

I have huge issues with people that have inherited money behind them and need to keep up the front of being successful in their own right.

These people are fond of using the word I, as in I decided to develop this PCB to increase our sales. This fool will never say it in front of me or give anyone credit for actually designing the board and hauling his useless ass out of the crap. He talks about this only in front of people he needs to continue impressing/impress. I don't even work for him....did it as a favour and found out via the grapevine

And suggested it in the first place. And got it to factory level production.

I have helped a spoilt brat look good.....again.

I have decided...he can take his arrogance and stuff it where the sun don't shine.
I am over making others look my expense.

He will be busted sooner or later. And be exposed for the clueless chancer he is.

TV Tech
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Haha, I haven't quite been in the situation you have but I've been in a situation where they clearly "know best", I've implemented their way, its failed, then I've implemented it my way, still failed....joking, it worked, after debugging!

You can use it to your advantage I have found, one is, if they don't know what they are doing it keeps you employed! I know there comes a time where it is just too much! But in the meanwhile its a positive!

Those who are technical and can/want to learn but don't know exactly what they are doing are engineers, they find the correct solution, those who are not technical and do not want to learn, but think they know what they are doing are dangerous!

One piece of advice I always give....cover your own backside! Look after no 1!

Happy Days!!
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