On my microcurrent board, I'm using double banana plugs to allow easy swapping of shunt resistors, for load resistors for testing, and for making power connections to the board and to the decide being tested. It's kind of an old-school approach, but it makes things simple to change.
Double banana plugs have holes in the side for connecting cables or components, which are secured by setscrews in the barrels that can accept another banana plug. Turns out all banana plugs are not created equal, and some of the cheaper ones, instead of a setscrew with a relatively smooth surface, use a setscrew that looks like it was cut with a hacksaw. When you tighten them down on a component lead or wire, these screws will slice the leads off!
The easy solution is to purchase 4mm × 6mm long setscrews to replace the trash. They will have an Allen head, so get a wrench too.
I'm doing my dev in a hotel. I had another idea to make quick connections. To make a quick "test plug", I got a couple 4mm × 20mm hex head screws. Put the leads through the holes and tighten the screws by finger. Yes, Pomona has double banana plugs to binding posts, but this was simple and cheap to do.
Double banana plugs have holes in the side for connecting cables or components, which are secured by setscrews in the barrels that can accept another banana plug. Turns out all banana plugs are not created equal, and some of the cheaper ones, instead of a setscrew with a relatively smooth surface, use a setscrew that looks like it was cut with a hacksaw. When you tighten them down on a component lead or wire, these screws will slice the leads off!
The easy solution is to purchase 4mm × 6mm long setscrews to replace the trash. They will have an Allen head, so get a wrench too.
I'm doing my dev in a hotel. I had another idea to make quick connections. To make a quick "test plug", I got a couple 4mm × 20mm hex head screws. Put the leads through the holes and tighten the screws by finger. Yes, Pomona has double banana plugs to binding posts, but this was simple and cheap to do.