Badminton Scoreboard Build

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New Member
I am building a scoreboard for my friend's badminton court. So i am planning of using Arduino Uno as the projects brain. I found a working code in internet, which is as follows.

// Button Inputs
const int p1IncPIN=5, p1DecPIN=6, p2IncPIN=7, p2DecPIN=8;
// variable for reading the button status
int p1IncButton=0, p1DecButton=0, p2IncButton=0, p2DecButton=0;
// Video Outputs and Video Data
const int ledClockPIN=10; // to pin 10 on J1 (CLK_IN)
const int ledDataPIN=9; // to pin 9 on J1 (DATA_IN)
const int ledLatchPIN=3; // to pin 7 on J1 (DIMM_IN)
// Display Digit HEX Code {0-9} for Sure Electronics 12v 2-Panel 7-Segment Board
static byte displayDigit[10] = {
0x3f, // 0
0x06, // 1
0x5b, // 2
0x4f, // 3
0x66, // 4
0x6d, // 5
0x7d, // 6
0x07, // 7
0x7f, // 8
0x6f // 9
//set hex variable initial value
int p2_Ones=0, p2_Tens=0, p1_Ones=0, p1_Tens=0;
// set the variables for the score
int player1Score = 0, player2Score = 0;
// previous state of each button declaration
int p1IncLastButtonState = 0;
int p1DecLastButtonState = 0;
int p2IncLastButtonState = 0;
int p2DecLastButtonState = 0;

void setup(){
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(p1IncPIN, INPUT);
pinMode(p1DecPIN, INPUT);
pinMode(p2IncPIN, INPUT);
pinMode(p2DecPIN, INPUT);

// Set the Display Pins as outputs
pinMode(ledLatchPIN, OUTPUT);//Latch
pinMode(ledClockPIN, OUTPUT);//Clock
pinMode(ledDataPIN, OUTPUT);//Data
digitalWrite(ledLatchPIN, HIGH);
// Initialize the display to reflect the beginning score before running loop()

void loop() {
//read the Button Pins to see if one of them has been pressed
p1IncButton = digitalRead(p1IncPIN);
p1DecButton = digitalRead(p1DecPIN);
p2IncButton = digitalRead(p2IncPIN);
p2DecButton = digitalRead(p2DecPIN);

//read the Button Pins to see if one of them has been pressed
if (p1IncButton != p1IncLastButtonState) {
// if the state has changed, increment the counter
if (p1IncButton == HIGH){
if (player1Score != 21) player1Score++;

if (p1DecButton != p1DecLastButtonState) {
// if the state has changed, increment the counter
if (p1DecButton == HIGH){
if (player1Score != 0) player1Score--;

if (p2IncButton != p2IncLastButtonState) {
// if the state has changed, increment the counter
if (p2IncButton == HIGH){
if (player2Score != 21) player2Score++;

if (p2DecButton != p2DecLastButtonState) {
// if the state has changed, increment the counter
if (p2DecButton == HIGH){
if (player2Score != 0) player2Score--;

// Check to see if both increment buttons are high - this will reset the score back to 0-0
if (p1IncButton == HIGH && p2IncButton == HIGH) {
// set the variables for the score at the beginning of the game
player1Score = 0, player2Score = 0;

// save the current state as the last state for next time through the loop
p1IncLastButtonState = p1IncButton;
p1DecLastButtonState = p1DecButton;
p2IncLastButtonState = p2IncButton;
p2DecLastButtonState = p2DecButton;


void scoreUpdate() {
// this is used after a button is pressed to update the players score in integer form
// needed to break down the score to pass info to the screen
if (player1Score < 10) {
p1_Tens = 0;
p1_Ones = player1Score;
else if (player1Score > 9 && player1Score < 20) {
p1_Tens = 1;
p1_Ones = player1Score-10;
else if (player1Score > 19) {
p1_Tens = 2;
p1_Ones = player1Score-20;

if (player2Score < 10) {
p2_Tens = 0;
p2_Ones = player2Score;
else if (player2Score > 9 && player2Score < 20) {
p2_Tens = 1;
p2_Ones = player2Score-10;
else if (player2Score > 19) {
p2_Tens = 2;
p2_Ones = player2Score-20;

// call the scoreToHex function and pass the score variables

void updateLED() { // update the LEDs based upon the information passed from scoreToHex
digitalWrite(ledLatchPIN, HIGH);
shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, displayDigit[p2_Ones]);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Right Panel digit 1 - Player 2 Ones

if (p2_Tens>0) {
shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, displayDigit[p2_Tens]);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Right Panel digit 2 - Player 2 Tens
else {
shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, 0);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Right Panel digit 2 - Player 2 Tens

shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, displayDigit[p1_Ones]);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Left Panel digit 1 - Player 1 Ones

if (p1_Tens>0) {
shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, displayDigit[p1_Tens]);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Right Panel digit 2 - Player 2 Tens
else {
shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, 0);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Right Panel digit 2 - Player 2 Tens

digitalWrite(ledLatchPIN, LOW);


//Initialize the display to show zero's in the one's column
void initDisplay() {
digitalWrite(ledLatchPIN, HIGH);
shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, 0x3f);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Right Panel digit 1 - Player 2 Ones
shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, 0);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Right Panel digit 2 - Player 2 Tens
shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, 0x3f);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Left Panel digit 1 - Player 1 Ones
shiftOut(ledDataPIN, ledClockPIN, MSBFIRST, 0);//(datapin, clockpin, data) for Right Panel digit 2 - Player 2 Tens
digitalWrite(ledLatchPIN, LOW);

Reference Forum link :
Reference Video Link :

I can't find any schematic for this project, anyone please design me a circuit. Thanks in advance.
"No thanks.. I will get it for free.. let me wait.. "

Christmas will be here soon . . . . .
all it takes is track the **broken link removed** and/or it's C compiler spec (some about) see what the code in #1 does and extend (complete a schematic for) it to 7-seg LED-s
(keeping you couple of weeks/months busy - depending the spare time for ...)
the post #3 is a good attitude -- as to believe something can be done in some way -- and it can
the point here is to drop to a right party -- which is more likely your local folks interested in such sort of things
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